IBM Systems Jornal
- "Introduction of the project management discipline in a
software development organization" by T.Raz, pp 265--277
- "IBM Systems Journal Author Index 1989--1992", pp 333--344
- "IBM Systems Journal Abstracts 1989--1992", pp 345--372
- "The Power and promise of parallel computing" by Wladawski-Berger, pp 146-151
- "SP2 System Architecture" by T.Agerwala, J.L.Martin, J.H.Mirza, D.C.Sadler, D.M.Dias, M.Snir, pp 152--184
- "The SP2 High-Performance Switch" by C.B.Stunkel, D.G.Shea, B.Abali, C.A.Bender, D.G.Grice, P.Hochschild, D.J.Joseph, B.J.Nathanson, R.A.Swetz, R.F.Stucke, M.Tsao, pp 185--204
- "The Communication Software and parallel enviroment of the IBM SP2" by M.Snir, P.Hochschild, D.D.Frye, K.J.Gildea, pp 205--221
- "A scalable implentation of the NAS Parallel Benchmark BT on distributed memory system" by V.K.Naik pp 273--291
- "High-performance parallel implementations of the NAS kernel benchmarks on the IBM SP2" by R.C.Agarwal etc, pp 263--272