IEEE Transactions on Computers

Volume ?, No. ?, 1985

  1. "The Effectiveness of Automatic Restructuring on Nonnumerical Programs (Summary)" by G. Lee, C.P. Kruskal, D.J. Kuck pp 607--613

Volume ??, No. ??, 1987

  1. "A VLIW Architecture for a Trace Scheduling Compiler" by R.P. Colwell, R.P. Nix, J.J. O'Donnell, D.B. Papworth, P.K. Rodman pp 180--192

Volume 42, No. 7, July 1993

  1. "Reconfigurability and Reliability of Systolic/Wavefront Arrays" by E.H.-M. Sha, K.Steiglitz pp 854--862
  2. "Manipulating General Vectors on Synchronous Binary N-Cube" by W.Lin pp 863--871

Volume 42, No. 12, December 1993

  1. "Introducing a New Cache Design into Vector Computers" by Q.Yang pp 1411--1424

Volume 43, No. 2, February 1994

  1. "Performance Analysis of Finit Buffered Multistage Interconnection Network" by Y.Mun, H.Y. Youn pp 153--162
  2. "Distributed Computing on Regular Networks with Anonymous Nodes" by T.V. Lakshman, V.K. Wei pp 211--218
  3. "Conditional Connectivity Measures for Large Multiprocessor Systems" by S. Latifi, M. Hegde, M. Naraghi-Pour pp 218--222
  4. "Cost-Performance Trade-Offs in Manhattan Street Network Versus 2-D Torus" by T.Y. Chung, N. Sharma, D.P. Agrawal pp 240--243

Volume 43, No. 4, April 1994

  1. "Instruction Window Size Trade-Offs and Characterization of Program Parallelism" by K. Dubey, B. Adams, M.J. Flynn pp 431--442

Volume 43, No. 5, May 1994

  1. "Logically Instantaneous Message Passing in Asynhronous Distributed Systems" by T. Soneoka, T. Ibaraki pp 513--527