International Jornal of Parallel Programming

No. 1, 1994

  1. "Scalable, Parallel Computers: Alternatives, Issues, and Challanges" by Gordon Bell, pp 3--45
  2. "Machines and Models for Parallel Computing" by Jack B.Dennis, pp 47--77
  3. "What Do Users of Parallel Computer Systems Really Need?" by David J.Kuck, pp 99--127

No. 3, 1994

  1. "Automatic Source-Code Parallezation Using HICOR Objects" by Mark R.Gilder and Mukkai S.Krishnamoorthy, pp 303--350
  2. "Decomposed Software Pipelining: A New Perspective and a New Approach" by Jian Wang, Christine Eisenbeis etc, pp 351--373

No. 4, 1994

  1. "An Optimal Scheduling Procedure for Matrix Inversion on Linear Array at a Processor Level" by M.K.Stojcev, E.I.Milovanovic etc, pp 435--448
  2. "Fast, Contention-Free Combining Tree Barriers for Shared-Memory Multiprocessors" by Michael L.Scott end John M.Mellor-Crummey, pp 449--481

No. 6, 1994

  1. "Safe Self-Sheduling: A Parallel Loop Sheduling for Shared-Memory Multiprocessors" by Jie Liu, Vicram A.Saletore etc, pp 589--616
  2. "Parallel-Access Memory Management Using Fast-Fits" by Theodore Johnson, pp 617--645

No. 2, 1995

  1. "Coscheduling Based on Runtime Identification of Activity Working Sets" by Dror G.Feitelson and Larry Rudolph, pp 135--160