Scientific and technical reports

LAPACK Working Notes

  1. "LAPACK Working Note 56 --- Reducing Communication Costs in the Conjugate Gradient Algorithm on Distributed Memory Multiprocessors" by E.D'Azevedo, V.Eijkhout etc pp 1--18
  2. "LAPACK Working Note 57 --- PUMMA: Parallel Universal Matrix Multiplication Algoritms on Distributed Memory Concurrent Computers" by Jaeyoung Choi, Jack J.Dongarra etc pp 1--42
  3. "LAPACK Working Note 60 --- Parallel numerical linear algebra" by J.W.Demmel, M.T.Heath etc pp 1--94
  4. "LAPACK Working Note 62 --- Distributed Solution of Sparse Linear Systems" by Michael T. Heath and Padma Raghavan pp 1--20
  5. "LAPACK Working Note 65 --- Parallel Matrix Transpose Algorithms on Distributed Memory Concurrent Computers" by Jaeyoung Choi, Jack J.Dongarra etc pp 1--23
  6. "LAPACK Working Note 67 --- Perfomance Complexity of LU Factorization with Efficient Pipelining and Overlap on Multiprocessor" by F.Desprez, B.Tourancheau etc pp 1--18

Other reports from Computer Science Department

  1. "Efficient Communication Operations in Reconfigurable Parallel Computers" by F.Desprez, A.Ferreira etc pp 1--13
  2. "SVDPACK (Version 1.0) USER'S GUIDE" by Michael Berry, Teresa Do, Gavin O'Brein etc pp 1--60

Universities Reports

  1. "An investigation of multigauge architectures" by Chyan Yang pp 1--144
  2. "Analizing Scalability of Parallel Algorithms and Architectures" (NOV 1992) by Vipin Kumar, Anshul Gupta pp 1--23
  3. "Program design considerations: a hierarchy of conflicting design requirements" (22.01.96, ) by Robert D. Stewart
  4. "A note of the relationship between the expression and the automatic detection of parallelism in programs" (1986) by Karl D. Ottenstein pp 37--40
  5. "Efficient software data prefetching for a loop with large array" by Se-Jin Hwang, Myong-Soon Park
  6. "Parallelising programs with algebraic programming tools" by Anatoly E. Doroshenko, Alexander B. Godlevsky
  7. "Portable Software Tools for Parallel Architectures" by Catherine Barnes, Chris Wadsworth
  8. "Algorithm Graph" by Valentin Voevodin, Vladimir Voevodin pp 1--5
  9. "Performance of Varios Computers Using Standard Linear Equations Software" (13.12.1993) by Jack J. Dongarra pp 1--30
  10. "Advanced Architecture Computers" (November 1989) by Jack J. Dongarra Iain S. Duff pp 1--129
  11. "The effects of programm restructuring, algorithm change, and architecture choice on program performance" (1984) by David J, Kuck, Ahmed H. Sameh, and others pp 129--138
  12. "Preliminary Performance Data for Perfect Benchmark Codes of Varios Machines" (16.11.91) from University of Illinois
  13. "Automatic Array Privatization" by Peng Tu && David Padua pp 1--11
  14. "The Paradyn Parrallel Performance Measurement Tools" by Barton S. Miller, Mark D. Callaghan, and others pp 1--23
  15. "NAS parallel benchmark results 10-94" by DAvid H. Bailey, Eric Barszez, Leonardo Dagum and Horst D. Simon pp 1--33
  16. "Public International Benchmarks for Parallel Computers" (NOV 1993) by PARKBENCH Committe: Report-1 pp 1--55
  17. "An Introduction to VecPar_77" by Wayne R. Cowell
  18. "Vectorizing compilers: a test suite and results" (MARCH 1988) by David Callahan, Lach Dongarra and David Levine pp 1--30
  19. "A Comparative Study of Automatic Vectorizing Compilers" (April 1991) by David Callahan, Lach Dongarra and David Levine pp 1--63
  20. "Construction of DO Loops from systems of affine constraints" (MAY 1993) by Jaen-Francois Collard, Paul Feautrier, Tanguy Risset pp 1--26
  21. "Dataflow Analysis of Array and Scalar References" (21.05.1991) by Paul Feautrier pp 1--33
  22. "Time bounds on the parallel evaluation of arithmetic expressions" (JUNE 1975) by D. J. Kuck, K. Maruyama pp 147--162
  23. "The reinvention of the supercomputing: Silicon Graphics and Changing Technology" by International Data Corporation pp 1--13
  24. "SDP-2000: a guide to project implementation of megaprogramming" (MARCH 1993) by Software Engineering Technology, Inc. pp 1--64
  25. "i860 64-Bit Microprocessor" (OCT. 1989) by Intel Corporation
  26. "Implementing the NAS Parallel Benchmark on the KSR1" (May 1993) by Stephen R. Breit, Gautam Shah pp 1--3
  27. "The KSR1: bridging the gap between shared memory and MPPs" (1993) by Steven Frank, Henry Burkhrdt, dr. James Rothnie pp 1--10
  28. "GLU: a Toolkit for Constructing and Executing High Performance Software ", "Coarse-Grain Dataflow Programming of Convensional Parallel Computers" by R. Jagannathan pp 1--24

Cray Research Inc. Reports

  1. "SHMEM User's Guide for Fortran" (15.08.1994) by Ray Barriuso, Allan Knies pp 1--25
  2. "The Cray T3D Adress Space and How to Use It" (05.08.1994) by Robert W. Numrich pp 1--18
  3. "F--: A Parallel Fortran Language" (08.03.1994) by Robert W. Numrich pp 1--10